Category: Ramblings

  • Elecciones estadounidenses 2008 en

    Empiezo a estar algo harto de lo largas que son unas elecciones en los Estados Unidos, y lo cerca que están gracias a internet. Bueno, a internet y a mi adicción informativa. Que prefiero que gane Barack Obama no es ningún secreto y juraria que la mayoria de los europeos compartimos esa preferencia. Ha vendido…

  • Un pequeño gran homenaje al septimo arte

    Cada año la gente del canal TCM hace un repaso por las películas más oscarizadas de la historia del cine. Este año, han encargado a Fresh Paint, una empresa de efectos visuales y edición de video una pequeña promo que se llama 31 días de Oscars (31.20 MB, fichero Quicktime). Es precioso.

  • desconferencia 2008 – “Esto NO es una beta”

    Logo diseñado por Jorge Correa No sé si os acordareis pero en verano de 2006 nos juntamos un grupo de unas veinte personas para hablar de todo aquello que nos pareciese medianamente interesante. El concepto era hacer una conferencia desde abajo, dónde los mismos asistentes eran los que definian los temas, y el interés del…

  • A follow up on change and several random thoughts

    “Usable is not what feels like common sense, but what it is used more frequently and with a higher rate of success.” I’ve been hearing this mantra a lot when I am around fellow designers. I have even said it myself a few times, in front of customers as well. But, is it a good…

  • Leave my internets alone

    note: I am going to be talking about an article from El Pais. It is written in spanish, so bear with me. And I don’t commune with the term Web 3.0 myself, but since that is the terminology used in the article you are stuck with it. Everynow and then some established media outfit needs…

  • Education is like a herd of buffaloes

    Mcinksey recently published its 2007 report on high school systems throughout the world. I came by this report at Ewan McIntosh’s blog. He is this funny scot who gave a very interesting chat on how education should be different for the tech-enabled noobs (sorry, I meant youngsters) at last year’s reboot. I didn’t attend the…

  • SXSW Interactive 2008 – Oh yes

    One of the reasons anyone sets up a website with a blog (or else) is to selfpromote whatever puts him on top of the rest of wasteful humanity. It is a pulpit where you brag and brag continously about how cool you are, what cool things you just have bought and which cool travels you…

  • second chance… oh wait, more like fifth chance

    anyways. chose powazek’s awesome depo clean theme to make it feel more like a reboot and since I have been writing elsewhere regularly I thought “what the hell, I might as well fake it again and make it look like a care”. Oh, and the second day of Fundamentos Web was kind of boring. And…

  • Fundamentos Web 2006 – A Recap: Day 1

    The aforementioned conference came and went. But certainly not without noise. Most of this events can fall into several categories: great, overpriced, well-balanced, horrible, perfectly organized, time-waster, etc… From this side of the things it was certainly well worth the admission price and the time spent, even with all the rain that fell upon our…