Category: Geekery

  • Las cañerias de un html

    Pocas veces me vais a oir hablar de tecnicalidades sobre si es mejor usar XHTML Strict o si Ruby on Rails es chanchipiruli de la muerte. Pero me veo obligado a sacar a relucir un tema que mucha gente se olvida a la hora de hacer una aplicación web: La optimización de recursos. Hace un…

  • Haciendo una de pirarse

    Durante las próximas dos semanas no voy a estar muy activo ya que me marcho de conferencias. Ya las he mencionado en otros posts: el MIX de Microsoft en Las Vegas y el SXSW Interactive en Austin. Supongo que os da bastante igual pero no queria despedirme sin hacer un comentario la mar de freak/geek/nerd.…

  • A follow up on change and several random thoughts

    “Usable is not what feels like common sense, but what it is used more frequently and with a higher rate of success.” I’ve been hearing this mantra a lot when I am around fellow designers. I have even said it myself a few times, in front of customers as well. But, is it a good…

  • Leave my internets alone

    note: I am going to be talking about an article from El Pais. It is written in spanish, so bear with me. And I don’t commune with the term Web 3.0 myself, but since that is the terminology used in the article you are stuck with it. Everynow and then some established media outfit needs…

  • SXSW Interactive 2008 – Oh yes

    One of the reasons anyone sets up a website with a blog (or else) is to selfpromote whatever puts him on top of the rest of wasteful humanity. It is a pulpit where you brag and brag continously about how cool you are, what cool things you just have bought and which cool travels you…